Thursday, April 28, 2011

There's a little awkward in all of us..

As almost every blog post thus far has determined I embrace being awkward and enjoy awkward situations and circumstances. I started thinking to like everyday experiences and how awkward we are. For instances what I like to call the "walking fail." This is the one we are all familiar of, it happens on campus, in the grocery store or in crowded halls in high school. You are walking minding your own business and someone else is walking toward you.. you go left, they go right an "uhhh uhhh sorry" is exchanged and then you right and you go left,  finally if you are lucky enough to get your junk together you escape the trap and breakthrough the 2 person traffic jam.. other times if you are like me you'll most likely get yelled at. Just the other day I was walking in Target and engaged in such a pleasant walking fail with a real Atlanta Gem. This little ray of sunshine was not so great at avoiding the walking fail and instead just decided to plow into me and scream "move shrimp!" I was taller than her.. so i'm still a little hazy on what the context behind that was.

Secondly, humans are also extremely awkward with the wave and smile. This one again is something you can observe multiple times a day. You are walking through campus and some dude waves and smiles at you.. you wave back and then you realize they are totally smiling at the person behind you. Best way to advert this is scream "Hey, (insert friends name)" and then scream "Hey, (friends name again)" and then that person thinks you are just trying to get the attention of this "friend" that you can't seem to get to hear you. I have done this about once a day, I blame it on the fact that I don't wear my glasses unless I'm driving and can't ever see peoples faces and can't tell who they are looking at. It's more likely that I'm just completely clueless.

There's also awkwardness in stuff like our speech: like when the cashier says "Enjoy your lunch!" and you say "You too.." or when someone says "How are you?" and you say "How are you?" in reply.. (it happens a lot listen for it). All I'm saying is maybe we're all not as awkward as Dwight from The Office but to be honest humans are a bunch of awkward freaks, embrace it.. it makes life like 2,000 more times funn-er! 

Awkward Challenge Update: 

  • I accidentally fell asleep on a stranger's shoulder at the Airport waiting for my plane. He told me that it was okay and that I could stay sleeping at his shoulder (how bout no, ya freak). 
  • I was born.

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