Thursday, June 9, 2011

Diary of a bad wardrobe

Ladies & Gentlemen,

I am writing you this letter to apologize for my lack of bloggage. Life has been crazy in the A and I have been attempting to keep up. I feel a lot of pressure to make this blog entry of interest as I know all of you have been eagerly awaiting my postings-- sitting, starring at the computer, screaming "WHEN MACKENZIE, WHEN?" With that being said.... here is your post. Laugh even when it's not funny, thanks.

But really, What has been going on with me....? Hmmm..Well Tuesday night I attended the Katy Perry concert. Probably one of the greatest concerts I have EVER been to.. and let me tell you I have been to the cream of the crop. For example: I have been to Nsync (x2), Backstreet Boys (x2) and ......... The TRL Tour featuring: Destiny's Child, O-Town, Nsync, etc (I lost my throat for 3 weeks after this concert, due purely to screaming..."MARRY ME JUSTIN!!!!!").

Anyway, so Katy Perry concert... the outfits people wore were INSANE! I thought I'd be Katy Perryesque so I wore my brand new Steven Madden Glitter Pumps and bright red lip stick.. which I thought was wild. However, once I arrived at Gwinnett Arena and was surronded by K.P. Fans, I looked like I came straight out of a L.L. Bean catalog. There was fishnets, short shorts (on men), wigs of all color, sequins bras, bra-less people and more.. In a situation like that it is easy to go straight from just accepting what they are wearing to judgement and say "Like OH EMM GEE, What the eff.. is she wearing??" But after my initial judgement surpassed I began thinking about it all and realized how I truly envied their confidence to wear things that they loved and didn't care what some preppy blonde chick in sparkly shoes was thinking of her.

Yellow Hat Meets the World
So I started thinking back on my own life and started thinking about clothes I LOVED and if I had the confidence enough to wear them what I would still be wearing. I'd be pretty unfortunately dressed-- but I'd secretly love everything I was wearing. Ready for the embarrassing list? I am going to begin with my favorite bright yellow polartec hat. LOVED this hat-- I wore it on almost every single vacation and it makes it's appearance all throughout the awkward stages in my life. However, awkward for me was about 3rd - 10th grade, but many would still argue even today. However, this hat surfaced my wardrobe circa 1996/1997 or so. I ended up getting made fun of by my friend, name has been removed for safety reasons and so I told my mom I'd never wear it again. Every time my friends see the picture of me in this hat on my photo board in my apartment, I pull the quick "Oh gosh that hat is horrible, why would my mom do that to me?" but really all I'm thinking about is A. Where I can find another one and B. When that thing was thrown away.

My second favey? These hit the black top of Westbriar Elementary in the peak of my awkwardness in 4th grade. My high heeled black and white sketcher tennis shoe heels. Can I tell you the fit I threw for my mom to buy these for me? I LOVED THEM! I wore them with everything.. my overall jean shorts, white shorts with high white socks and the sketcher heel/tennis shoes, my winnie the pooh jean jumper.. I think I was quite the fashionista. However, my friends made fun of them and said they were weird, and slowly I started to question my sneaks and was in about as large of a dilemma a 4th grade girl could be in! Anyway these shoes had to be retired when I tripped down the stairs during a fire drill and caused a traffic jam/ 3 person pile up and they were classified as a fire hazard.

Then I began thinking back to my friends from school and thinking about the stuff that they wore that I made fun of and I decided to contribute my blog to apologize: Brittany, I am sorry for making fun of your bangs and jean jumper dress you wore on the first day of 6th grade. Renae, I am sorry I made fun of your Aeropostale t-shirt and hair from 9th grade and that I still have your yearbook picture in my wallet and I routinely send you pictures of it laughing.. (i love you). Laura, I am sorry I threw away clothes in your closet all through college and made fun of your sweater vest and star wars t-shirt collection (even though, i'm really not sorry I threw away the stuff I threw out.. you totally appreciate it too).

Basically the point of all this is just wear whatever you freaking feel like. Wear your jean overalls, fishnet tights, floppy hats with sunglasses (my parents hated me) or your sketcher high heels. You only live once and wouldn't you rather be known as that person that wore what they wanted than what every one else wanted them to wear? Also, if anyone sees a polartech yellow baseball cap in the store, please.. CALL ME!

YOUR TURN: I turn the blog to you, what clothing do you wish you could secretly wear but are shunned due to fears of ridicule? This is a judgement free blog post-- so post away

Inspiration for this blog post came from my friend Meghan's post after we encountered some interesting people together at the Miranda Lambert concert. Check out Meghan's Blog


  1. I wish I could wear the yellow hat, just like YOU.

  2. So I just googled "yellow polartech baseball cap" your blog was the 2nd search result :)
