Thursday, August 15, 2013

Fast Forward Two Years...

Well, a lot has changed in my life since my last blog post, over 2 years ago and I think I should start doing what I've always enjoyed, writing... again!

Now, I'm not promising you a TRUE blog post right now, I can't perform under this pressure. But, what I will promise you is a few updates on my life and I can promise you a another blog post.. soon ;) (HA HA, you've heard that before)

So, Two Years summed up in a few bullets: 

1. I've lost over 40 pounds (58 pounds total if you add in the 16 I lost in college). Yay! As I am sure many of you understand, college makes you gain weight. You are eating crap food at crap hours, not getting in enough sleep- which causes you to well.. not work out and it's just an endless cycle. As a Weight Watchers Lifetime member since I lost 86 pounds in the 10th grade, I knew that I need to get back on the bus again. I gained back way too much weight that I worked so hard to lose. So i finally rededicated myself and now I am 6.2 lbs away from being at my goal weight, again! Stay tuned for a blog post on my tips, recipe ideas and more. If you have any questions feel free to post below too, I'll also include some before and afters on weight-loss blog post. (FYI: I am in no way an expert.. so, i can't guarantee it's gonna work for you or anyone, but I hope it does!)

2. I met a boooooyyyyyy. Actually, I already knew him, but... It took him about 3 years to work up the courage to ask me out and it took me too long of playing 'hard to get' to finally go on a date with him. You see Matty boy used to be umm, crazy? Not like cray cray crazy, but loud.. wild and obnoxious (i'm sorry, babe!) Now, while I am loud-  I am used to myself, thankfully during the 3 years before asking me out he has grown up a lot and I was crazy not to accept his offer to let him take me out on a swanky date, sooner.

3. Me and that boy.... are engaged! Yay! I am so lucky that I get to spend the rest of my life with someone as loving, compassionate and handsome as he is! Sad news, he recently accepted a job at Purdue University (yay for him!) so we will be spending the next 10 months long distance until we get married in June and I join him in Indiana. Fact is our entire relationship has been long distance.. we started out 3 hours a part but now I guess that wasn't far enough, so he added about 7 more hours and we are now 10 hours apart. From my experience with long distance, it's always possible but takes diligence, trust and a lot of work, just like any relationship. There are so many people that have/ are going through a similar experience as I am - so, I will happily share my experience and I hope that you will share yours with me! There's strength in numbers!

4. I was Baptized. I accepted Jesus as my savior back in August of 2009 but I wanted a way to finally profess my faith, publicly. So, in August 2011 I was baptized at my church home, Buckhead Church. As someone who did not grow up in the church I was never baptized and felt I was called to share my story. My life has been significantly different since accepting Christ. I am not saying that magically everything in my life has been AMAZING and It's like walking on clouds and spitting out rainbows- definitely none of that. But, I have had a restored strength in my life because I know I am not going through my life alone and my life has a purpose. Again, as someone that did not grow up in the church I was always uncomfortable when people tried to jam their religious views down my throat, so I will NEVER do that to you - but I will share my thoughts from time to time and if you ever have questions or comments, I am happy to answer. Here is the video of my Baptism from almost 2 years ago :)

Blogging has served as a way for me to communicate my feelings, thoughts and life - I think it's time I start back, hopefully I won't bore you too much :)


My New Pup, Zoey. She'll be 1 in September

My Fabulous Fiance, Matt