Monday, April 4, 2011

The Awkward Challange

Alright, it's time I embrace the common trend of my life currently: Awkward. I guess it's just the way the stars align and universe works but honestly, the most awkward, uncomfortable and hilarious circumstances always happen to me.

Don't believe me? I'll set up a situation for you. I am 22 years old, almost 23. I work in Marketing where I am required to dress as a professional, daily. While I was at target (during my lunch break), a teenaged boy walks up to me. I figured the kid wanted directions to the video game section or if i knew where the bathroom was, nope. The kid strolls on up to me, flips his hair, like Bieber (hot) and asks me if I'd like to  go to the movies with him. As I searched for words, he proceeded to tell me that his mom could pick us up and drop us off at the theater (at this point i'm still saying uhh..) finally I get the words, "How old do you think I am?" out of my mouth. He then tells me "15, like me.. I get my permit next week" (i'm not sure if I should be embarrassed or flattered). So I just started laughing and told him I was 22 and could drive us to the movie, but I wasn't going to go out with him. Later, I met my dates mom who swore she saw me in the high school (wrong). I was in a very awkward situation.

While, this situation may not go in the record books for the most uncomfortable and/or awkward situation ever, it was still pretty awkward. Well more awkward situations are to come, as I am about to embark on the "Awkward Challenge." What is the Awkward Challenge, you ask? Well it's basically something that I was challenged to do by a friend, where I basically force all and every awkward situation. We figured since I am already an awkward magnet, I should enforce it greater.

Therefore, I will begin facing the opposite way in elevators, choosing the treadmill next to the one & only person in the gym when there are thousands of machines open, staring at people in the car next to me at red lights & not taking my eyes away, talking really loud on my cell phone about uncomfortable topics in public places ex: the marta, the grocery store,the public bathroom, etc. Anyway, so the Awkward Challenge will! As the challenge goes on, i'll blog my dirty looks, black eyes, and cuss outs.

Please feel free to drop me a few "awkward challenges" as long as they are semi-appropriate.



  2. I cannot wait for all of this to occur. I will read daily.
