Monday, September 9, 2013

Shhh.. It's okay to cheat a little

Yes, I am fully endorsing having an affair. But, this type of infidelity is actually in reference to committing an adulteress act on your DIET.  As I mentioned in my previous post the main reason I think that I struggled to maintained my weight loss success was because I didn't allow myself, EVER... to cheat!

I was asked by my AMAZING Weight Watchers Leader, Barbara (who lost and has kept off close to 150 lbs - wow!) to share my 'Success Story' at a Weight Watchers meeting tonight. So, I shared my story - very similar to all that I said in my previous post and I largely harped on how key it is to ENJOY!

I let myself indulge in things I'd never let myself indulge in when I was losing weight on Weight Watchers, the first time - but you know what I am enjoying myself and I am now starting to see this whole experience as manageable and as a lifestyle change, not just a "diet". I think when you deprive yourself you feel cheated, you feel trapped, locked in and miserable.

Now, I'm not sitting here saying that I cheat on Weight Watchers every day - but I do let myself enjoy Ice Cream, Chipotle (i had that tonight), Chinese food, Candy - you get where I am going with this. It's all about balance and it's all about porition control.

While sharing my story tonight, Barbara turned the floor over to the members in the Weight Watchers meeting and asked if anyone had any questions. One women raised her hand and asked what my "cheat items" are... That got me thinking - what are my secrets? What are my little indulgences that I enjoy on Weight Watchers, while still losing my weight. I've put together a short list of some cheat items that actually aren't "so bad" and I would LOVE to hear some of yours - as I am always looking to expand my cheating bucket list!

Cookies 'n Cream Flavor = My FAVE.
1. Skinny Cow Ice Cream- Everyone knows my OBSESSION with Skinny Cow and even more Ice Cream (I am eating one right now while write this). As someone who is Lactose Intolerant - I SAVE up my dairy allowance and I pre-track my 4 points plus skinny cow into my day, every day so I have that delicious ice cream treat to look forward to, everyday. The other great thing about it is that in terms of dessert - this one is pretty diet-friendly and it's delicious to boot! I challenge you to find your "something sweet" - your dessert that you can indulge in and enjoy - finding this (as long as its realistic) will help you to manage your weight better. Don't deprive yourself of sweets - DO NOT DO IT

2. Sweet Potato Fries - Ummmm.. Hello, I love food and all proud food lovers usually love fries! I especially love Sweet Potato Fries. I found Alexia Sweet Potato fries (you can usually find them in the organic frozen section) or if you aren't into the Organic craze go to the regular frozen section and get the Ore-Ida Sweet Potato Fries Straight fries. You can have ~25 of these fries for 4 weight watchers points plus (that's what WW points are called now.. Points Plus, FAAANCY). At only 4 PPV it is so worth getting my fry intake in with these yummy fries.

3. Pop Chips- Now this list is getting ridiculous... Ice Cream, French Fries and now ..  Chips? Yes. But Pop Chips are so worth it. They are amazingly tasty and you can have around 22 chips for only 3 PPV. Done. I'm in. Now, if you are like me - a mindless eater I would suggest counting out your chips and putting them into zip lock bags and walking AWAYYY from the kitchen or you can buy the pre-portioned bags. I understand that sometimes it's cheaper to buy the big bags - but for me a little extra cash is worth me not stuffing an entire bag of chips down my face in one sitting, just sayin'

4. PB2- Thank you to my WW Leader Barbara for this AMAZING suggestion. PB2 is probably one of my favorite finds and is an awesome way to enjoy PEANUT BUTTER! PB2 is powdered Peanut Butter (you mix it with water) - I know is sounds disgusting but I promise you it actually is not. And at only 1 PPV for ~2 Tablespoons of Peanut Butter it is well worth it (normal Peanut Butter is like 4-7 sometimes 8 ppv!). My favorite of the PB2 is actually the Chocolate flavor - I put it on toast or dip apples in it - AMAZING. You can also find this in the organic section or I get mine off of Amazon!

5. Bolthouse Ranch: Well, I do live in the South. They serve ranch here like it is going out of style. But if you didn't already know Ranch is no where close to healthy eating. Bolthouse Ranch is yogurt based and AMAZING! You get this in the refrigerated section - by the bags of lettuce. It's I believe 1 PPV for 2 tablespoons (double check that for me before tracking it as that!) and it actually tastes so good (unlike most fat free or light ranch dressings)

6. Turkey Sausage Crumbles: These are a newer discovery and I have become obsessed, VERY fast! I eat them seriously at breakfast, lunch and/or dinner. I promise I don't eat them every day but I sure could. They are quick - you can mix it with anything - egg whites, pasta sauce, you get where I'm going here and for a 1/2 cup of crumbles it's only 2 ppv!

I understand that all of these were lower point cheats - but trust me I let myself enjoy Chicken Fried Rice - usually once or every other week - I just am certain to measure out a cup (7PPV) (and I usually smoosh and fit a much rice in that one cup as I can), I will enjoy a Burger and fries from Farm Burger with my girlfriends usually once a week and I still manage to lose weight for the most part, weekly. I've discovered that weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight is manageable and do-able. It's all about picking what and where you will "cheat" and "splurge" and deciding is this worth it? Let yourself live a little - let yourself enjoy and you will feel happy and satisfied.

If you have any "healthy cheats" or non-healthy cheats share them with me! I am open for new cheats and I can probably help you find a substitution for a cheat-item that isn't as Weight Watcher friendly.

Good Luck and remember.. It's okay to cheat a little.


  1. PIRATES BOOTY!!!!!!! There are currently two huge bags in my pantry (along with a freezer fully stocked wtih Skinny Cow). I will try your PB2. I never thought it'd be any good so i'll check it out. PB is one of my favorites especially b/c I'm always on the road and one of the easiest things fo rme to take to eat in my car for lunch is a PB and Jelly sandwich (sugar free jelly)

  2. Hi Michelle! Yes! LOOOOVE Pirates Booty - I almost put it on my list but it's a little higher in points than the Pop Chips but it sure is good! Again, I cant do the HUGE bags - I'd suck it all down TOO FAST! So i have to get the indi. bags! Try to the PB2 - you'll be happy you did! :)
